Bee Charmer:
A person who can soothe and communicate with bees, without the assistance of protective clothing, thereby allowing them to "charm" some honey away from the hive without getting stung.

“You're just a bee charmer, Idgie Threadgoode. That's what you are, a bee charmer.”
- Fannie Flagg, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

Idgie and her friend Ruth, ran the Whistle Stop Café. That Idgie was a character, all right."
- Ninny Threadgoode

"I found out what the secret to life is: friends. Best friends."
- Ninny Threadgoode

"Go on you old bee charmer, tell me a good tall tale."
- Ruth Jamison

"No, I love your stories. Tell me a story, Idgie."
- Ruth Jamison

"All those people will live as long as you remember 'em."
- Ninny Threadgoode